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Fact Friday Productivity Statistics

Fact Friday: Work at Home if You Want to Be Happier at Work

It’s time for Fact Friday! Would you be surprised to learn that you might feel happier at work if you spent more time working at home?

”Want to feel engaged at work? Try spending most of your time at home. Workers who spent some time working remotely, however, were slightly more likely to report a high rate of engagement. They were also more likely than full-remote or full-office workers to say they had a best friend at work, and that their job included opportunities to learn and grow.”
[Source: Quartz ~ The happiest worker spends about one day a week in the office] Are you surprised by these Gallup poll results? Here’s why I’m not very shocked — when you spend one day or more working from home, you don’t have to deal with traffic and getting all the trappings you need for working in the office. For instance, if your office has a dress code (is there an office that doesn’t?), you can be a bit more casual at home.
This can translate into feeling happier and less stressed. And, when you’re happier, you’re likely to feel more engaged and may see a boost in your productivity.
Still, working from home is not without its challenges. To improve your chance of getting stuff done when you work from home, try out the seven simple tips listed below.

Fact Friday: Work at Home if You Want to Be Happier at Work
Want to be happier at work? Stay home more.

Stay Productive: 6 Tips for Working at Home

1. Get up. It can be very easy to keep hitting the snooze button when you don’t have to be in the office by a certain time. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have work to do. Set your alarm and get up! If you really have trouble, give the Runaway Alarm clock (affiliate link) or The Shock Clock a whirl.
2. Get dressed. Jump out of your PJs and find clothing that will help put you in a working mood. Above all else, be sure that your clothes are comfortable and not restrictive. Btw, to save a bit of time, pick them out the evening before.
3. Make a list. Write down your top two or three priorities for the day. These are the tasks that you must work on. Sure, you can work on other things — but only after you take care of your priorities.
4. Set up shop. Wherever you decide to work for the day should be ready with all the supplies that you’ll need. Be sure to use an organized workspace with enough room for you to comfortably work. If necessary, prepare your workspace the night before so you can begin working straight away the next day.
5. Ignore the mess. No, you don’t have to do laundry. Or, wash the dishes. Or, clean the living room. These are all interruptions and distractions that will keep you from what you really should be working on. You should simply ignore them until you’re finished with the workday.
6.  Use an app. Do you have a tendency to get easily distracted? There are several apps like Rescue Time and Focus Booster that can help you kick those bright shiny things to the curb and stay on track. Keep in mind that you don’t need a whole host of apps. Just choose one (or two) that will keep you focused and on task.
7. Stop working. It’s super easy to keep working when you don’t have to leave the office to beat traffic or catch the subway at a certain time. You might be on a tear and manhandling your task list. It can be hard to stop and let go of the feeling of accomplishment you’re enjoying.
But, stop you must. Work too long and you’ll miss out on much needed downtime and sleep. Consider setting a timer to remind you when it’s time to stop.
What do you do to stay productive when you work from home? Please share in the comments.
Related Information

*All book links are affiliate links.

Hey there, I’m Deb. I’m a Digital Productivity Coach and Consultant, Certified Professional Organizer®, speaker, and lover of all things tech. I’m also addicted to apps and love helping small business owners leverage technology so they can be more productive.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. I’ve been self-employed and working from home for a very long time now. Even though one of the things I love about it is the flexibility, I find it very helpful to have a regular schedule and routine.

    1. If I didn’t have a regular routine, I wouldn’t get anything done! Well, I’d get things done, but not the *right* things. =)

  2. #5 can be very hard. Just working in the house where people are knocking on the door and the dog is barking and the chores you need to address are staring you in the face can be tough! I think mindset is so important. Drawing some invisible barriers between work and home is so helpful. I totally agree with getting up and dressed for work… what you wear can influence how you think. If you are still in your PJs, you might not feel like you should be working.

    1. I have to agree with you on that, Seana. #5 can be super tricky and you have to focus on the priority tasks. Though I love working from home, I often get a lot more accomplished when I work outside or from a coffee shop — away from the dirty dishes! LOL 😉

  3. Most days I’m out seeing clients in their homes and offices. However, I also have “office days” that I use as writing or admin time. I definitely prefer to keep to a normal routine as if I were leaving the house to see clients. I get up early, exercise, meditate, shower, dress and have breakfast. Then I feel ready to be productive in my home office. I stay pretty focused, however, I do take breaks…sometimes by setting a timer. Sometimes those breaks include doing something non-work and more house related. I welcome the shift and then return to my focused work refreshed.

    1. I wish I had your discipline and control with doing non-work related tasks, Linda. I have to completely ignore those tasks or else I get sucked in and it takes a long time to jump back to priority tasks.

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