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Fact Friday Productivity Statistics

Fact Friday: Multitasking Decreases Productivity

“A Realization study shows multitasking can result in a productivity loss of up to 40 percent. In the absence of multitasking, there was a 59.8 percent average increase in the number of projects completed and a 35.5 percent reduction in the time it took to complete a project.

Read More:
‘There’s No Such Thing As Multitasking’ | | 1.7.2015

Related Information

The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing It All” Gets Nothing Done by Dave Crenshaw
*All book links are affiliate links.

Hey there, I’m Deb. I’m a Digital Productivity Coach and Consultant, Certified Professional Organizer®, speaker, and lover of all things tech. I’m also addicted to apps and love helping small business owners leverage technology so they can be more productive.

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