Recently, I posed this question to my friends on social media: "Are you addicted to…

Digital Detox: 7 Days to Unclutter Your Phone and Build Better Mobile Habits
Do you need a digital detox? If you pick up your phone several times every hour or feel lost when you don’t have it, you probably do.
Why You Need the Digital Detox
Would you be willing to give up basic necessities like eating, drinking water, sleeping, speaking, driving, or showering (yes, showering!) rather than spend a day away from your phone? 67% of Millenials, 56% of Gen Xers, and 42% of Boomers said they would!
Do you struggle to find an app because your phone or tablet is too cluttered? 74% of Americans said they did.
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are clearly not alone as these are real statistics from a study conducted by Wakefield Research and Xfinity Mobile. Here are a few more:
- Americans have an average of 9 apps they never use.
- More than half (59%) of millennials confess they spend so much time staring at their phones, they sometimes forget why they pick it up in the first place.
- Nearly half of Americans (49%) admit to picking up their phone to check on something, but get distracted and forget what it was they were looking for.
- A majority of Americans (60%) check their phones within a minute of getting a notification.
You Still Need Your Mobile Phone
I know what you’re thinking. Stats aside, you need your phone. You use it in your personal life especially for capturing moments you don’t want to forget (did someone say group selfie?). Plus, you probably have a bunch of apps you use at work. And, of course, you use it to stay connected with friends, clients, and the peeps on your team.
So, you’re right — you do need it. Technology can be amazingly helpful but sometimes it can also be a bit distracting. That doesn’t mean you should stop using it. Instead, why not make some small changes to help you find more balance and build better mobile habits?
That’s why I’ve teamed up* with Xfinity Mobile to share The Phone Cleanse, a guide to help improve your mobile well-being and unclutter your mobile devices. Just like you might reset your body with a juice cleanse or clear up overflowing closets, this digital detox can help you organize your phone and refresh your relationship with your mobile tech.
And, now that the summer is here, this is the perfect time to try it!
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The Digital Detox Explained
What exactly is The Phone Cleanse? It’s a 7-day guide that will help you transform your phone into an effective tool and find balance with how you use it. Each day, you get a different challenge and since it lasts only 7 days, it’s doable, right?
Here’s a quick rundown of every day:
- Day 1: The App Purge. This is exactly what it sounds like. You gotta get rid of apps. 10 of them! Search the ones buried deep in your phone. You know, the ones that you never open. Free up some space. You’ll be glad you did.
- Day 2: Gray for a Day. You know the bright, vibrant colors you’re used to seeing on your phone? Yeah, it’s time to (temporarily) kick them out and embrace the gray. Adjust your phone’s color filter to grayscale. You might find yourself feeling less distracted because all the colorful apps (like Instagram!) are not as appealing when they’re gray.
- Day 3: 24-Hour Notification Fast. Always getting notified every time you get an e-mail or a tweet? Turn off the notifications for a day so you can focus fully on your important tasks.
- Day 4: The Storage War. If your phone or tablet tells you that you can’t take a photo or upgrade to the latest operating software unless you get more space, this one’s for you. Start by deleting years-old text messages, old video and music files, and duplicate and HD photos. Your mission: Get rid of 5 gigs of media. You can do it!
- Day 5: The 60-Minute Rule. If you’re in the habit of checking your phone all the time, make a plan to only pick it up once per hour — and only for 10 minutes. Remember to set a timer so you stay on track and don’t go beyond your 10 minutes.
- Day 6: Sleep Separation. Create a better night-time routine and put your phone out of arm’s reach at bedtime. That way, you won’t get tempted to pick it when you should be getting some Zzzzzs.
- Day 7: The Minimalist Home Screen. On the final day, put all your apps in one folder except your essentials, like your text message, phone, and email apps. You can keep those on your toolbar. Then, add a fabulous wallpaper or photo that you love to your home screen for a distraction-free space. And, when you want an app, use your phone’s search bar to find it.
After the Digital Detox is Over
Congrats, you did it! So, now what? Here are a few things you can do:
- Tweak it. The nice thing about The Phone Cleanse is that you can adjust it to suit your work and lifestyle. The cleanse has specific tips you can use to help you integrate it in your everyday life.
- Tell your peeps. Know someone who could benefit from the digital detox? Send them to the online guide or get them a free copy of the book.
- Tweet us. We want your feedback! Tell me or the Xfinity Mobile team about the tip(s) that worked really well for you. Find us on Twitter here: @DAllisonLee and @XfnityMobile.
Btw, you can also send a tweet to Xfinity Mobile to request a free, limited-edition copy of the book. Okay, now off you go and happy digital detoxing!
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*I am super excited to collaborate with Xfinity Mobile on this project! Though I am being compensated for my work, I really believe that the mobile phone detox can help reduce distractions so you can get more done and focus on the things you enjoy doing. Plus, it’s about tech — my favorite topic!
I really love the “gray for a day.” I’m going to try it. In fact, I think I might actually love it… I might never go back!
Ooh, love! I can’t say that I felt feelings of love when I did the day 2 challenge, but I did love the results! Let me know how it goes, Seana. =)
This is brilliant! I love the idea of a phone cleanse and am very tempted to try this. VERY tempted. Some of these like 3 and 6 are non-issues for me. I don’t sleep near my phone and I’ve turned off most of the ding notifications. However, Day 1 alone sounds more than worth doing. I’m not sure about #2 because I just love color. It makes me happy seeing it. So all gray would make me sad. But it could be an interesting one day experiment to see if less color means fewer distractions. I’ll be heading on vacation soon. Sounds like it might be the perfect time for “the cleanse.”
Would love to hear about you 1-day experiment, Linda. Though it was the most challenging for me, it was also the most effective. Enjoy your vacation!
I started to do this but stopped, knowing that a new phone was imminent. Then I transferred everything from my old phone to my new one, so I guess I have no more excuses!
Haha! That’s right, no more excuses! =) Let me know how it goes.
Oh gosh, I totally need the digital detox… you know what? I’m going to do this. I will follow this 7 days guide, no matter how hard it is and will let you know how it turned out. 🙂
Hey Erika – How was the Phone Cleanse? Would love to hear what really worked for you and what you found challenging. Let me know!
Okay, I didn’t make it… >.<
But I will try it out again… somewhen… in the future.. 😀
Sounds good. Let me know how it goes! =)