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Share Your Content on Twitter With @ClickToTweet
Sharing a good tweetable is like giving someone the best bite of your delicious sandwich. And, Click to Tweet can help you share your delicious tweets!
Before I get ahead of myself, if you don’t know what a tweetable is, it’s a short quote embedded in a blog post that is easily shareable on Twitter with one click.
Typically, it’s one of the best, most flavorful quotes from the blog post … like the best bite of a delicious sandwich.
I love a good tweetable. Don’t you?
And, I say that both as a reader and as a blogger.
[ctt tweet=”Sharing a good tweetable is like giving someone the best bite of your delicious sandwich. ~ @life_on_track via @DAllisonLee” coverup=”b2cf9″]
Click to Tweet Can Help
Have you ever come across a really good blog post? One that sucked you in and you lost time reading it? Or, one that made you get emotional while you consumed the words on the screen?
But, then, to your frustration, you couldn’t find the social sharing buttons? Or, sharing it was too complicated for some reason or another?
Me, too.
If I’m reading a really good blog post or an inspiring story that’s tugging on my emotional strings, of course, I’m going to want to share it on social media. Coming across a tweetable (a.k.a. a tweet to click and share) makes that whole process so much easier.
I don’t need to copy and paste the URL or come up with a sentence for why people should read it (which I confess has deterred me in the past and I’ve just clicked off the page). However, with a tweetable, I simply “click to tweet” and it’s done.
On top of all of that, as a blogger, this is especially appetizing because it means my readers are sharing my content a lot more. The tweetable reminds and requests the reader to share and the simplicity of it drives that action.
Not to mention that with Click To Tweet, the reader is sharing YOUR words. This gives you a new kind of influence that you didn’t have before. You know your content best, so put all the gold nuggets about online marketing you learned to good use by inserting your well-crafted message into a tweetable.
And, with all of that comes increased traffic to my website and more activity on Twitter. Since I’ve integrated the Click To Tweets on my website, Twitter referrals to my website have gone up 22% compared to the same period the previous year. Yippee!
Click To Tweet Features You Need to Know About
You can try it for free (and grab the WordPress plugin, too), but the paid option is super cheap. I started with the free version and liked it so much that I paid the tiny yearly fee (under $50) to get unlimited access.
The analytics are very simple and straightforward. I can see how many clicks each tweet has gotten, number of many unique users, and how many clicks any embedded links have gotten. This tells me which tweets are doing the best and encourage the most action.
Non-techies can use this software with ease. It involves filling out the tweet, checking a box, selecting an image and the copy and paste functions. That is truly it.
So what are you waiting for?! Take action!
- Check out the Click To Tweet website.
- Learn how to craft a good tweetable.
- Share the below tweetable by clicking it.
Sharing a good tweetable is like giving someone the best bite of your delicious sandwich. Don’t you agree?
[ctt title=”Sharing a good tweetable is like giving someone the best bite of your delicious sandwich. ~ @life_on_track via @DAllisonLee” tweet=”Sharing a good tweetable is like giving someone the best bite of your delicious sandwich. ~ @life_on_track via @DAllisonLee” coverup=”b2cf9″]
Ugh, this is such a good reminder. I need to do this and keep forgetting…
Hey Seana, do you have a list of things you do every time you publish a blog post? I remember to do it because I include the click to tweet in my blog post publishing task list. Otherwise I would totally forget. 🙂
Something new for your blogging to do list. =) Another great reason to start using Click to Tweet is that it (i.e., the tweetable box) can act as a graphic and break up blocks of text in your post. Let me know what you think once you start using it. 😉
I have been looking into click to tweet. Thanks for this great review.
My pleasure Jamie!
When you do plan to start using it, Jamie? Would love to hear what you think about it. =)
I love click to tweet, I think it was Janet Barclay who introduced me to it, and I have found it very useful. I am definitely going to check out the link for crafting a good tweetable. Great post.
Thanks Jill! I love it too!
It makes it so easy to get readers to share exactly what you want them share. Just have to make sure there are no typos in your tweetable!
WordPress has some great plug-ins. I love that tweetable feature that you mentioned and have used it many times by sharing great “tweets” from posts I’m reading. It sure does make social sharing easy.
My sites are Squarespace platforms and they don’t have that feature. Something to consider for the future when redesign will happen. For now, I have to do it old school.
Yeah WordPress really does have some convenient plug-ins. I actually don’t use WordPress either, so Click To Tweet is a great social sharing tool for any platform.
Wonder if the folks at Squarespace might have a workaround. Have you checked with them, Linda?