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Fact Friday Productivity Statistics

Fact Friday: Productivity Increases When Workers Use a Tablet

“According to Dell’s 2014 International Tablet survey of IT Decision Makers (ITDMs) tablets are good for business as it helps increase productivity and liked by employees. ITDMs in India and Brazil believe tablets help increase productivity by 25%, while in the US and UK ITDMs believe that it has helped improve the production by 20% followed by China with 15% increase in productivity. 

Read More:

 Tablet at Workplace Improves Mobility and Productivity | | 10.27.2014


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Hey there, I’m Deb. I’m a Digital Productivity Coach and Consultant, Certified Professional Organizer®, speaker, and lover of all things tech. I’m also addicted to apps and love helping small business owners leverage technology so they can be more productive.

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