Are you making this common solopreneur productivity mistake: trying to do everything without a clear…

Feeling Unmotivated? 17 Ways to Be Productive When You Don’t Feel Like It.
Being productive when you don’t feel like it? Yeah, that’s tricky. You’re not always going to be “on” and alert or even at your best every day.
(you’re human after all)
Plus, some days will bring a whole barrage of distractions that eat up your focus like a zombie munching on brains. 🧟♀️
(a little gross and dramatic, I know, but you get what I mean)
You might be tempted to just “push through” and grind it out until your mojo shows up. And to that I say “hard pass” because it’s one of the worse things you can do.
Because when you overdo it, you’ll probably find yourself on the fast track to burnout.
Instead, pause for a beat, take a deep breath, and grab your favorite brew. Then, check out these 17 ways you can still be productive even when you don’t feel like it.
17 Productivity Hacks to Keep You on Track (Even When You Have ZERO Motivation)
Okay, dear reader, do you commit to not letting your fickle moods take control of your actions? I’ll assume the answer is yes because you’re reading this post.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, keep the 17 productivity hacks listed below will help you stay productive even when you don’t feel like it.
And here’s your next step: Pick one or combine a couple to build momentum and get stuff done!
When you find “the one” (or the perfect mix) that delights your brain, you’ll start to notice how much easier it will be to ignore the voice in your head that cordially invites you to take a long stroll away from your MITs (Most Important Tasks).
Here’s how to stay productive even when you don’t feel like it. 👇🏽
Start with the productivity basics
1️⃣ Hydrate & Fuel Up. Brain fog is real. To clear the cobwebs, you have an antidote: water & healthy snacks. These simple energy-boosting habits can ignite your focus.
2️⃣ Move Your Body. Focus on yourself first. Take a walk, stretch, or dance it out to amp up your energy.
3️⃣ Change Locations. You might not realize it, but working in a different room, your local coffee shop, or even from a park bench can shift your perspective.
Tackle the small stuff (little effort required)
4️⃣ Do a Brain Dump. Get everything out of your head (tasks, projects, ideas, all of it) so you can free up some mental space and find your first tiny task to tackle.
5️⃣ Tackle a Tiny Task. Pick a teeny tiny task to get a small win so you can gain big momentum. (my favorite: neaten up your desk to set the stage for #6).
6️⃣ Use the 5-Minute Rule. Use your powers of persuasion to remind yourself that you only have to put in 5 minutes of work (that’s it!). Set a timer and when it goes off, you can too. But don’t be surprised if you find yourself still getting things done at minute 30.
7️⃣ Give the 2-Minute Rule a Go. Still on the search for a small task? Why not start with the ones that only take 2 minutes to complete? Small effort + easy win = momentum! #easypeasy
8️⃣ Group Small Tasks Together. Those tiny tasks I mentioned earlier? Pick a few that are similar and tackle them in RaPiD-fire succession.
Productivity hacks: Tools & techniques to beat procrastination
9️⃣Try the Pomodoro Technique. Work in short bursts (25 minutes) then take a break (5 minutes) to magically eliminate procrastination. Ex: 25 minutes of writing, 5-minute dance break. 💃🏽
🔟 Get a “Body Double.” Feed off collective productivity vibes when you work alongside a friend or in an Action Dayinside the Thrive-Hive. 🐝
1️⃣1️⃣ Choose a Reward. Your favorite latte after completing 4 Pomodoros? Chocolate after 30 minutes? 🍫 Incentives work!
1️⃣2️⃣ Let Your Tech Help. Okay, here are 3 of the best productivity tools you can use to keep distractions at bay.
- Forest will help keep you off your phone by growing trees (yes, trees!)
- Focus@Will will give you a nice selection of music to help you do “all the things” (backed by science)
- RescueTime (referral link) is perfect for tracking and stopping distractions so you can focus (plus you get a daily productivity score).
Mindset hacks: When the motivation slump comes back
1️⃣3️⃣ Lower the Bar. Progress > perfection always. Remember that doing something is better than nothing. 💯
1️⃣4️⃣ Get to the Heart of the Matter. Ask yourself: “What’s the REAL reason I don’t want to do this? ” Is it boredom or overwhelm? Fear? Once you nail it down, you’ll be able to figure out your next step.
1️⃣5️⃣ Visualize Progress. What does success look like? Picture it and feel “all the feels” for getting it done even before you lift a finger.
1️⃣6️⃣ Set a “Done By” Time. Give yourself an artificial deadline to create urgency. Or set a real one. Ex: Schedule a meetup with your business bestie so you really have limited time.
1️⃣7️⃣ Gamify Your Tasks. Can you “beat the clock” to see how much you can really get done? Pair this #11 for a big productivity boost! Alternative: Compete with a friend (see #10).
Work smarter, not harder.
If you’ve gotten this far, I know you’re committed to doing things differently. 🙌🏽
I also have this to say to you: No more waiting for your motivation to miraculously appear! Because you now have a list of 17 ways to boost your productivity when you don’t feel like it.
Even better news: you only have to pick one thing to try. Plus several of these strategies can be easily combined together so you get a bigger bang for your buck.
Alright, tell me: which one will you try? Jump to the comments to let me know.
Action Day can help!
Want to test how accountability and work sprints can help you “do the thing?”
Join an Action Day (inside the Thrive-Hive 🐝) and let’s make progress together! It’s free, fun, and all about getting things done!
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